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CastleMagic Castle Builders

A source for building medieval style stone castles, plans, designs, and castles for sale.

Solid stone castles - Stone arched bridges - Cathedrals - Stone cottages - Medieval villages
Timber framing - Woodworking - Swimming pools/moats - Drawbridges - Masonry Heaters
Arched barns - Battlements - Keeps - Portcullis - Stone Towers - Arrow loopholes - Fireplaces

CastleMagic Phone
RCT-5618 Idaho

A simple site for those interested in building, purchasing, or designing a solid stone castle. Answers are available for your questions by phone at any time.
We are experts in cold weather construction, difficult sites, and those jobs others wouldn't dream of. We design, permit, and build start to finish. Family owned and operated since 1975.

Modern castle wall

Builders of solid stone castles start to finish with a hidden insulation layer.

Today's castle construction photos August 16, 2024

Inside the scaffold tent: stones; fresh mortar; electric hoist; fireproof insulation; stainless steel ties; lift platform and tools of the modern castle builders.

Modern castle wall under construction August 15, 2024

Pallets of quarried stone await shipment direct to a castle's construction site. Once trucked in, a telehandler unloads the stones and transfers them to the pressure washing stage, and then direct to the lift platform, and then the stones are mortared onto the castle's walls.

A quarry's castle stone await shipment for a castle wall under construction August 15, 2024

Lift platform loaded up and ready to boom up to construct a modern castle wall. Tools of the trade visible: the indispensable spray mist bottle; mortar board loaded; splitting box; rubble filled buckets; and most important- the remote control

Modern castle's construction lift stage August 15, 2024
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Sandpoint, Idaho